
infected glue on wooden parsley robots

Friday, March 31, 2006

Today is the release date of taped 911 calls from people inside the World Trade Center on September 11th. Powerful.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

This photo is so crazy that I had to post it directly.
It was verified by the great snopes site as real.
Thanks to Jack
Check out this list of 87 bad predictions about the future, ie Bill Gates: "This monopoly thing will just blow over."
For all you computer savvy people, check out this site full of free and usefull downloads.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Time to get political again... A few days ago here in LA there was a march in suppport the rights of the "undocumented". Nearly 500,000 Mexicans participated. That's right: 500,000. Here's where MIchael Savage comes in. He has reported, based on DOJ numbers, that 29% of inmates are "undocumented". Millions wasted each year to house, feed and provide medical care for these good people. St. Louis is a wonderful place, but it's isolated. The march in Chicago drew around 400,000. This is a real threat. SAVE AMERICA. If not for us, then at least for The Onion.
UPDATE: Imagine a Christian living in America. Now suddenly that Christian converts to Islam. The US government and its people call for this American's death. International outcry causes the US to drop the charges. This Muslim narrowly manages to flee America in spite of US government attempts to stop him and repeated death threats. How would Muslims react?
Jack Abramoff and his business partner get 5 years and 10 months each for their deeds. I say happy trails to a man who spent his time subverting the will of the American people, and he got abramoff easy. That name has a new meaning...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

PHOTO: I know a lot of cat owners and plenty of girls who'd say, "ohhhh" after seeing this, so here it is: The World's Smallest Kitten.
The Mutter Museum in Philly is famous for displaying the grotesque in the name of science. Here you'll see deformations in every direction. There is a virtual tour that requires a flash program. This is some weird wild stuff.
PHOTO: This site offers a modest but quality selection of album covers for you to enjoy. These covers are each special in their own bizarre way. I may have linked this before, but if you want a good laugh or want to get freaked out by the scary 70's marketing then click here.
In case you live under a rock, Bush's chief of staff has resigned. This is an attempt by the white house to bring in some new ideas and save Bush from his 30% approval ratings.
UPDATE: The Afghani who was on trial for his life for converting to Christianity has been set free. The press is presenting him as a head case, and he may be, but it's good that this issue came up.
I've said it before, being a carnivore is kind of nasty. This makes it even nastier!

Monday, March 27, 2006

I got a kick out of this one

thanks: Attu
It's wrong to say it out loud, so I'll just write it: this is wrong.
VIDEO: So I have to stay edgy... There's no death or cruelty or anything sick, but the pain and embarressment levels are off the charts. You've been warned.
Home sales fell more than 10% in Februaury. New home starts are down and there are a record number of homes on the market. For all the people using (or abusing) the equity in their homes, this news translates to HOLY CRAP!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The new grunge/surf look is in.
LA might be just the right spot for a good time.
There are roughly 4 million women here,
a few of them might even talk to you...
Think of all the bullsh$@ the US has dealt with regarding Afghanistan: The taliban, bin laden, American deaths over there as we try to make sense out of this ass-of-the-Earth country... and now THIS.
More Sopranos humor, as I deal with not watching the new season. WTF... I have the rest of my life to see it. Anyway, here are two humorous takes on the greatest tv show ever from two of the best websites ever: The Onion and Fark.
This soon-to-be-released feature film stars Sam Jackson and has such a odd, direct and mundane name that it has become a minor internet phenom. It reminds me of a Scott Baio movie I had to watch in 8th grade health class.
The ultimate guitar jump.
Take that Pete Townshend!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

PHOTO: You lil' devil

thanks attu
VIDEO: This guy plays the Super Mario theme on a 9 string bass. It's here for two reasons. One, I'm a bass player who's glad he didn't get caugt up in bass-player-with-a-guitar-lust. And two, the tone is better than the multiple guitar versions I've posted. Don't forget: my roomie used to play this song for crowds of stoned high schoolers. Got ya.
PHOTO: This story is worth it just for the pic. A 140 lb high school wrestler takes on a huge black bear. As the great fark would say, "what could possibly go wrong?"

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This is a repost, sorry. What with the rebirth of The Sopranos, I'll take what I can get. It turns out that Tony Sirico (aka Pauly Walnuts) is a legit thug. The Smoking gun has transcripts of his sentencing in a trial that evidenced his threat to carve his intials into the forehead of a disco owner who didn't want to pay up. There's more where that came from. Enjoy.
VIDEO: Could this be the third time I've posted these little jokes from God? Anyway, enjoy more hot fainting goat action.
Dark Dining is an LA restaurant concept that tries to focus your senses by depriving you of vision. You eat in total darkness, served by blind waiters. There was an NPR interview with the guy who started this and it sounded intruiging, espically the part about the food fights. It seems like a flakey LA idea but it could be fun. Check it out. You could even make your own version.
Good news: The Simpsons has been picked up for another two years. King of the Hill is back for at least one more season, too.
This just goes to show that stats can be used to prove anything.

Monday, March 20, 2006

A hole new reason to visit my home, the greaet city of St. Louis.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

VIDEO: These adoring parents think their baby is trying to crawl. They were wrong. America's Funniest Home Videos is one of the best shows on TV. Sorry.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Time for a media barrage. I happen to be a radio guy so here's a list of some really good shows, each for its own reason. Enjoy:

1) Actually the first is a station. It should be given a good close listen for anyone who wants to stay informed. NPR

2) There's humor in an NPR show called Car Talk. This is two brothers, both MIT grads, who studied engineering. They are also really really funny.

3) Michael Savage is a conservative who's sick of the republican party. He's got a good sense of humor too, but the way he covers politics and world events is powerful.

4) This next show is a little... campy, maybe. It's a collection of non-fiction short stories with some thematic thread. This American Life is very real and oddly compelling.

5) Who the hell hasn't seen Spinal Tap yet? Or at least The Simpsons. Harry Shearer (Derek Smalls and many cartoon voices you would know) has a weekend program called Le Show. It's mostly political satire, but don't let that description fool you. It's quality.

6) I listen to Love Line most weekday nights. The odd thing is that there doesn't seem to be one real site about it. No link, but if you want to know more about the car your soul drives that you call a body then find it. KPNT in St. Louis and KROQ in LA.

... I would have mentioned Howard Stern but I don't hear him anymore. The reviews I've seen of his work now are mixed. Radio is better for your brain than 99% of what's on TV. Try one.
I stole this from a band website.
They're called Forty Minutes of Hell.
I've never heard them, but I like the moo cows.
There is a lot to be said for nerd fun.
The largest air assult in Iraq since the 2003 invasion is underway. US and Iraqi troops are trying to demolish areas thought to be insurgent strong-holds. Shock 'n awe II: The Revenge.
PHOTO: In case you've let time soften your memories of September 11th, take a look at this and read the article. Scary and powerful.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Yes, The Sopranos has started again. No, I have not seen the new episode. Yes, it's killing me. Being the impatient type, and a person who follows this show very closely, I had to read the summary from HBO. A lot happened. Missing the show did have a silver lining though. My friend and co-worker Claudia offered to video tape it with her camcorder as it played on her TV and then bring the camcorder to work so I could watch it back on the view finder during lunch. My brother Terry, God bless him, offered to video tape them every week and then mail them to LA from Chicago. He did that for the entire 5th season for me. I said no to both, not wanting to bother them with it. Having these people in my life is great.
Ten Einstein factoids you maybe didn't know before. Number 8 is especially interesting.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

WWII end was delayed by pancakes. No joke.
This story is sad, weird, tragic, macabre... all those things. You can get more info on this here.

Friday, March 10, 2006

If you need to get a friend a cool gift, or just want a new watch for yourself, check out these babies.
PHOTO: The Onion rules. Simple.
PHOTO: The guys at My Science Project have done 4N6 work (get it?) on the Cheney shooting. The photo of the victim is nasty.
PHOTO: This sidewalk artist is really good. He is bringing some odd magic to the public and deserves recognition. Added bonus: his name is Julian Beever.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

This story deserves a hell of a lot more coverage than it's getting. It is, simply put, another terrorist attack on US soil. Thanks again to the great Michael Savage. He's crazy but he really knows what's going on.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

PHOTO: This just in... The widow of Christopher Reeve, Dana, has succomb to cancer... and the best photo the St. Louis Post-Dispatch can find of her has her posing in a 48 degree room...
This just in... I'm going to live forever.
PHOTO: This just in... carnivores are yucky.
PHOTO: This just in... Yanni is not afraid to fight a girl
PHOTO: This just in... Eddie Van Halen is a hobit.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Goodbye to a great space. RIP Fredrick's Music Lounge. We'll miss thee...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

VIDEO: This Beluga Whale is great. He's also available for parties.
One of the coolest toys you've seen in a while. Maybe I'm a science dork...
I've said I'm a 10 year old in a grown up body. This proves it. Granted the whole thing is cgi, it's still funny. The intro is great.
I am a personal myspace'er. God help me I'm an internet cliche and yet barely computer literate.
VIDEO: Do you think those guys spending hours and hundreds pimpin and ricin their rides are as lame as I do? Watch this.
Art imitates the opposite of life as you go through the corn. The circle of life is complete.
Yes, today it really is the happiest place on Earth.
More news on the Scott Stapp sex tape. Can you take me harder? To a place where gay men pee?
Just after I leave town, the girls of St. Louis begin spontaneous hot cat action. Blast!
The first $1 US coin printed in braille actually says 50 cents (just kidding).

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Presenting the new modern woman. This is too cool to ever work, though.
Yes, The Sayers are back on the air.

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