
infected glue on wooden parsley robots

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Madonna has transformed into Sarah Conner. Yuck.
Now why can't the US have cabinet appointments like this?
So I'm going home. I'll be flying out of Burbank airport on Friday with a layover in Pheonix. No, a layover is a lot less fun than it sounds. I'll also be losing lighters along the way as they get taken by airport security. Now the TSA wants to remove the lighter ban. Yea. They currently take around 30,000 lighters per day.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Muslim women + rugby = FUN!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

GERMANY: Because it's been too long since the last one...
Chuck Berry. Pioneer. Rock 'n roll god. Scumbag?
Yeah, I said it. Tank cozy.
Dave Chappelle tells all in new stand up format. He really nails the problem with Hollywood and the mentality of Americans. Read on.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

VIDEO: How to make and play a flaming tuba.
Odd projects bring out out humanity. Check out Earth Sandwich.
Contortionists galore. This kind of freaks me out but I can't look away. Probably because some of the girls are hot. The men are not.
LA has a lot of pigeons. I could have a lot of fun with this thing: the bird b gone.
This is way too crazy to be true, but it might be. I can't bring myself to look it up. Could someone with knowledge of Jewish culture get back to me on this?
I work with a lot of foreigners and they're all talking about soccer. I'm stealing another fark photoshop. The question is "How can you make soccer interesting to Americans?"
I thought this was a good, simple answer.
Is this a true story or a Disney movie?
When fashion gets in the way of your crime, maybe you should try spandex.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

.9999999........ = 1. Don't believe me? Check this out. Interesting.
If you have any sense of patriotism, this will make you smile. Our bloated defense budget may offer some payoff after all. Read on with pride.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Just in time for me to be too old to have an excuse to buy this.
A small gallery of hybrid animals. Worth it for the liger (lion+tiger) alone.
Question: Would you go to this bar?
Terror attack on NY subways called off by terrorists. The CIA doesn't know why. Read on.

Friday, June 16, 2006

MUSIC: It's been a while since I've heard some Weird Al. His lastest, free to download, is a rendition of that crap tune with the high-pitched chorus "you're beautiful" ad nauseam. His version: You're Pitiful.
LA can be a dangerous place. Some places, like Compton, are especially bad. You can rest assured that these vigilant cops will keep you safe.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Today's f'ed up story of the day brought to you by Saskatchewan.
Here's another gem from my hometown, The 'Lou.
World Cup soccer is kind of lame. Sorry. This, on the other hand, is not. (w/ rad pic).

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I just thought this picture was funny.

Friday, June 09, 2006

MMmmmmm... Refreshing!
Just another action-packed night in the heartland

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead. Let freedom ring. If you don't know this name, go back to scratching yourself.
VIDEO: The question is can drunk=funny.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Here's a link to my cousin's myspace that has a pic of us drunk at a Hollywood bar called the Lava Lounge. King of the run-on sent-enz.
Now here's a girl we can all look to: its the Anna Kournikova of chess.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Paul McCartney. The divorce. What can you say? Well, this. (do not click if you are under 18, at work, or school). Bad taste, yes. Crazy news... that too.
Remember the biblical story of Daniel in the lion's den? Well this isn't it.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Church Kickers. (some NSFW photos)
Presenting (drum roll) the air bag for your, well, bag.
David Copperfield to impregnate a woman, onstage, without touching her. I've been fooled recently by stories too nuts to be true. I've found multiple stories on this at google. Should I say "wow" or "yuck"?
Video: This guy can pull off some tough skateboarding tricks. Especially under the circumstances. Most unusual.
So The Sopranos ends tonight. I will addmit, I never saw one episode. It kills me like when Puss and T shot the hell out of Matt Bevelaqua near that George-Washington-slept-here house. Anyway, I have the rest of my life to see them. Here's Entertainment Weekly's interview with the cast and David Chase.

Friday, June 02, 2006

So Michael Imperioli aka Christopher Moltisanti and N.D., guitarist for Rocket From the Crypt, are the same guy. Or brothers. Oddly, I couldn't find a close up of N.D. at rftc.com or with a google image search... I smell a rat.
Posting from The Onion is a cop out. They're almost all hysterical. This one is especially good. The color and details in the story are friggin hilarious.
Fulton, MO wife injects cleaning fluid into her husband's IV while he was recovering from surgery. Oops! (see article)
Just in time for Friday, make your own ice shot glass.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

This is silly, childish and goofy. So I like it. Makes a great gift!
GERMANY: Leave it to the Germans to develop jet packs for their paratroopers. These guys can swarm out of a plane shooting off frickin laser beams. Ok, there are no laser beams.
I posted this picture because it reminded me of a lame sports bar in St. Louis owned by Al Hrabosky. It's a big airplane-hanger looking joint near the statium. The only cool part is the men's room. The urinals are lined up along a wall. In front of you, as you stand, is a long one-way mirror. On the other side is the hallway leading to the ladies' room. Women stand in line, gossip and check their make up in the mirror. All while you are two feet away doing your thing. It's pretty funny.
Albert Pujoles is really a great guy. Here's another reason why.
"Gee, they've sure got some big bugs around this place."
"You ever been Vietnam?"

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