
infected glue on wooden parsley robots

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ok, I'm an idiot. Don't everyone get up and cheer at once. The Lion Vs Midget story is a fake. I got the link from a site I trust and they presented it as real. The great Snopes has the real story. I will rise again. (thanks to Jack. And FU to Jack).

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

My brother has been a big influence on my exposure to all types of art. He is insiting I check out some Fellini movies. This is a still from what is probably his best known work "La Dolce Vita". His films are supposed to be crazy, but I haven't seen one yet. Nice picture.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

One lion takes on 42 midgets in Cambodian ring fight... and kills or maims every one of them, the BBC reports. I might be going back to my old days of using the HOLYMOTHERF$%*(#(*#)($@ FACTOR!!!! I'll give plenty of warning first. The internet is supposed to rub humaity in your face. Sometimes that humanity doesn't smell so good. (I had to edit this post for content. If you noticed my previous errerr, lo siento.)

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Hummer is a great military tool. It is also a ridiculous suburban bane. This site has a few simple and well done shots at the Dummer.
I had to post this one for the headline. It's too good to pass up.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

AUDIO: The Onion Radio section is also really darned funny. Enjoy this sick entry, "God Admits He's Addicted to Babies"
If you hadn't figured it out yet, old people are funny.
Ken Lay and Jeff Skillings have both been found guilty of multiple counts and could face over 100 years in prison. That's about a million years short of what some of the thousands hurt by these two would like to see.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

This would be great news except that I'll forget about it in ten minutes.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I wanted to post this just to remind myself that nature has a sense of humor. And She's really really gross, too.
At last, a little competition...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Catholic institutions are only too happy to make a list of the God awful (pardon the pun) reviews of the new film The Da Vinci Code. I tried to read this book and had to put it down. It was that dumb.
It's official: we're building a fence to help keep illegals out of the USA. In other news, the Mexican government is upset that we're sending 6,000 troops to guard our boarder and they're threatening to sue. pardon me for a second... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA BULL$#%T!!!
The Department of Defense has released videos of flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. Their release was delayed until the completetion of Musaui's trial. The page to access the video has a lot of other important pieces of info, too. It is hosted by the DOD and you should check it out.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Need some inspiriation? Here's some friggin inspiration.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Meet Henry Earl. The man became an internet phenom after racking up hundreds of common drunk charges. He's still going strong. This is a fan site with links to others. Enjoy.

Friday, May 12, 2006

VIDEO: I posted a news article on this a while back. This is the news report. I won't say what it is except that if you want a heart warming story, it doesn't get much warmer than this.
I am going to have to check out this LA store. Be sure to check out the coin purse. Wow.
Pet turtle recovered 8 months after running away from home... a whopping 2 miles away. Just funny.
This just in: We're all going to die.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

CLASSIC REPOST: Crying while eating.
After a long discussion, the team decided to let Ole Helga from East Germany play too...
This is an odd story about plaques that show up on city streets around the world. St. Louis has a few of them. They have cryptic messages and no one can account for them. Keep your eyes peeled.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Maddox rules. Don't take my word for it, take his. He says it all the time. His rants are laugh out loud good. Check out the classics: girls, comics and art.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Behold the impetus of Fat Mouse.

Monday, May 08, 2006

There was a drive by shooting on I-70 by Lambert Airport recently. Well... without the "by" part.

Friday, May 05, 2006

I couldn't get this to work 'cause I'm at work, but it is worth posting anyway. This site has dozens of TV shows you can watch online, including The Sopranos and The Family Guy. I got the link from a good source. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The new album by the Red Hot Chili Peppers has been leaked onto the internet and the band is pleading with fans not to download it. Flea has written an open letter and you can read part of it here. The album will be out in a few days. My man Flea has a big heart, but his syntax isn't quite as impressive.
Tom Cruise. The man has become a fountain of strange. Scientology seems to be the closest thing to a cult an organization can be without actually having said label. Enter the story of Xenu. Another reference from the great wikipedia (see below) shows the full story of this crucial part of L Ron Hubbard's church. See how long you can read this without your jaw dropping... Then read this.
I was using the great, free online encyclopedia wikipedia to look up some info on the Pixies. There's a lot of good info there, including a small trivia section. One of the links got me to a bunch of band photos. There I found a rare snap of the band with Michael Jackson. Cool.
A woman, quite possibly the oldest person in the world, celebrates her birthday. Take a guess how old and then click here.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Artie and Tony's new body gaurd are in trouble with the law for two seperate incidents. Oy Vey... wait, that's not right. Disgrazzia!
This list of Chuck Norris-isms has been making the rounds on the internet. Don't ask questions, just read the many amazing facts about Chuck Norris.
Meet the folks from New York based improv troop Improv Everywhere. I first heard them on This American Life. They pull some fun stunts (that phrase sounds dirty for some reason). Enjoy.
The look of the VW Beetle is kind of, well, gay. This guy has fixed that problem.
Justice? A 16 year old Somali boy gets to personally kill the man convicted of murdering his father. There's a kind of poetry to it. Poetry dripped with blood.

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