
infected glue on wooden parsley robots

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

As always, The Smoking Gun has some of the best content on the net. This is an example of a neat mug shot. Show this to your girlfriend's parents next time you accidently use a four letter word.
Alan Greenspan is presiding over his last FED meeting. He is the most powerful man in the country that your uninformed friends never heard of. Goodbye to a great man.
Alito has been approved for the Supreme Court. Hold your breath...
March 12. I don't care if I have to break into someone's house to see it (wouldn't that be aprapo?), the new season of The Sopranos will begin. The HBO site has almost nothing about it, but there are some intersting/fun things to look at. My favorite is Big P's poker game. I can't think about this too much or my head will explode. Yes, I am a loser. Yes, I will torch your dumpster if you say it.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Want proof that democracy will do jack sh#t to help the mid-east? Here.
Ok, so myspace is a phenom. It is a little dorky, but you can't deny the sheer reach of the thing. This page calims to be the St. Louis myspace. The best part is a flash photo series of the destruction of Busch Stadium. Watch.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Onion, like Jack Handy (see above), will never die. Something to be thankful for.
Ladies and gentlemen, the coolest bicycle EVER.
Motley Crue is getting a star on the Walk of Fame. I've been to Hollywood and Vine twice so far and I can tell you all about it. There are some mediocre restaraunts, sad looking tour offices and nudie mag stores. I feel bed for all the Japanese tourists I see who came thousands of miles to see that crap.
Because everything else has been done already, here's a skating monkey.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Off-duty St. Louis police woman drops her purse in a Dairy Queen. Purse explodes. Woman yells, "I ain't got no gun", and runs. Feel safer yet?
This is the first edit I did at work. These are two of my friends of Mexican origin. Yes, they thought it was funny. If they didn't, I would have called INS.

Monday, January 16, 2006

PHOTO: The Washington Post reports on a very unique cat. Its short life makes me feel that the second coming is not too far away.
This page has a nicely laid out list of over 3,300 online games for you to waste your life with.
The Song Tapper is a program that takes the rhythm of a melody you tap on your space bar to figure out the song. It can be useful if you have a song stuck in your head, or just want to have some fun.
I can't wait to come back to St. Louis and take advantage of this possible change in the law.
VIDEO: Here's some Hendrix footage for your enjoyment.
Here's some more info on the new Raptor jet that will become standard for the Air Force and Navy. PBS did a great documentary on this.
You may have heard about Iran's interest in having their own nuclear program. This is a tense situation and sounds like it could end up as Iraq Part 2: The Stupider. CNN has posted and then apologized for a mis-translation in which the Iranian President was heard to say that his country had a right to the program and wouldn't (by his tone) back down. Thanks CNN!
VIDEO: I'm going to clean up my act. Seriously. Let's face it, though. The internet is an unrated world of craziness. That being said, I'm posting a video here that is nasty. Its also funny. Don't watch if you don't like that sort of thing. NSFW.

I know I did this already. It has been a while. Let me get good at this again

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I will post a bunch of oddtitties (sic) this weekend. This one is a big publishing story that involves a lot of $. A book called A Million Little Pieces was a best-seller for months. Read an inspirational story of an addict who went through it all. Now that history includes lying about his history, allegedly. The Smoking Gun reported on this Oprah's-Book-Club-Of-The-Month hit as a phoney. Now they've been sent a warning about posting any proof of the author's lies about addiction, recovery, arrests and jail time. The publisher is offering refunds for anyone who bought direct. It's not a big story, just an important one. Love, theanitspellcheck.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I've been lazy. Yeah, I said it. This weekend will be three-day in honor of MLK. Look for a flood of weird sh oipwemmc mupow mpoewk.
So I put up a moon phase thingy that's supposed to change as the days go by. I don't buy astrology or any of that, but there does seem to be a connection between a full moon and weird activity/events. Enjoy.

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Adult Film Awards was just held in Las Vegas. This kicks off the awards season in, uh, style. Here are some of the performers. NSFW!
When I was a young punk, I would sometimes take a few of my parents' beers from the fridge. To combat my underage drinking/theft my folks began keeping beer in the pantry. The thinking was that I wouldn't take a warm beer. Guess what? I developed a bit of a taste for it. For you poor Missourians, it may be a state-wide issue.
This is here mostly because I don't think any women read my crappy blog. NSFW!
And after all, aren't we just flaming mice running around in circles?
VIDEO: I've always been proud to see my Aunt's name on the mast head of National Geographic. Here are they're top ten videos of 2005.
VIDEO: OOOhhhh fists-of-fury. Me so scared. And hunrgy for fried rice.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Rhode Island suddenly seems like a fun place to go, dude. You'd be amazed what its like in California.
Big Pussy hit with $5 million civil suit by ex goomar for abuse. sad.
The Tampa Bay Bucs have a lot of explaining to do.

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