
infected glue on wooden parsley robots

Saturday, November 26, 2005

A mark of your life. For the birthday, here's a google of ""Tony Franco" "The Sayers""
RIP Mr. Miyagi aka Pat Morita. Here's a fly-catching game for memories.

A nice Thanksgiving party gone beautifully wrong.
PHOTO: Since mine have been a little weak, here's a good not-too-sophisticated photo edit. PLEASE SEND MATERIAL.

I'll call this one "the wrong party"
Here's hoping the source of this photo told the subjects they'd be messed with. Give me some more pics and I can do more.
GAMES: I've been wasting some time at this game site. There are just a few and they are simple and fun. Radical Play.
There's a lot of press out here right now over the execution of Crips gang founder Stanley "Tookie" Williams. He's on death row for multilple murder convictions. He has, in prison, written a book to scare kids out of gang life. What do you think?
I'm behind the curve here. The CEO of Savvis, Inc has resigned. Yes, it's the same Savvis as the mega-super-duper-dome. He left the company after an issue with using his corporate Visa card to charge up a strip club bill of nearly a quarter million. A quarter freaking million!

The baby isn't Brit's, its crying over how the mighty-hot have fallen.

Friday, November 25, 2005

This cheat sheet is going around the internet. It is a list of big companies you may do phone business with, and the way to get straight to a person instead of talking to a computer. This is something you may want to save.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

The newest sports craze has a Thanksgiving theme. Enjoy.
Happy Thanksgiving to friends and family.
Meet Sam. The "Ugliest Dog in the World"
The Boston Globe reports.
You can walk your pet, play frisbee with your pet... now you can wear your pet.
I can't really say this site is legit. This is a list of the 25 safest and most dangerous cities. Look for your town.

Monday, November 21, 2005

VIDEO: The White Stripes video for The Denial Twist is a one-shot, twisted angle fun house that features Conan O'Brian. Odd & good.
VIDEO: When Christmas lights take mushrooms, everyone wins. Clark W Griswald would be green after seeing this tacky video.
This one is inspired by a great Simpsons episode where the family goes down to Brazil. Homer wears this shirt. Brazil got very angry about the episode. There was a great gag where Homer is kidnapped and his family brings ransom in a suitcase. One kidnapper opens the case and says, "Wow, look at all that pink and purple", and the other says, "Our money sure is gay."

Sunday, November 20, 2005

For anyone who reads the text here, I always use "its" for cases of "it is" and the belonging-to-it. The right way, I see, is "it's" for "it is" and no apostrophe for the ownership. The End.
A friend asked about the photo-edit two below (soccer team). The snap is from what is, in my humble opinion, the greatest Playboy shoot ever. Here's a link.
Thanksgiving is near. For your special night, you may consider a TurDuckEn. I've also heard about a recipe for turkey stuffin' made with ground White Castle burgers. If I find it, I'll post it.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Brazilian Women's Soccer Team
Self-serving, but I don't care.
There's a digital camera here now, so look out for other new images.
There are a Brazillion reasons to leave this up.
Good taste is not one of them.

Friday, November 18, 2005

The Grand Canyon isn't just your average vacation destination. Check this out.
VIDEO: Maybe the most intense video ever posted. The Harvard University training film of a complete pelvic exam. VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED.
If you live/work/play in Webster, look out for this performance artist.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

VIDEO: 20 women do the Bodhisattva Dance. This would be great to see live... on acid. Its good entertainment.
VIDEO: Ultimate Fighting is a little too much for me. But somehow its still hard to look away from the action. POW!
The LA Times ran a to-the-point story about Muslims and 5 questions they should answer. This was written by a talk radio guy named Dennis Prager I've been listening to. He's good, but if you want a hardcore, smart and interesting political talk show you must hear Michael Savage.
Women, at the push of a button, will love you long time. She blinded me with science.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

"My lobotomy"
Last Words

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Where do The Sayers get all their moxie?
Now you know.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fan deformity of the week really paid off this time. Man, this is freak-city.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Veteran's Day salute
On this Veteran's Day, take a look at this easy-to-read layout of America's wars. The opening statistic, of course, is casualties. Then there are numbers on cost, population and other factors. The site has Louisiana State University in its url so I believe it to be accurate.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I'm too sexy for my yuck. Too sexy for my yuck.
So sexy its f%$#ed.
This pic is all over the internet, so I did my own version.
Someone else will get the treatment very soon...
Here's an interesting study done at University of Missouri, Coumbia regarding alcohol and preception.
VIDEO: This video has almost everything. Its the Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot. I don't know if "Auto" refers to automatic weapons or automobiles, but both are there. This is the definition of fun.
VIDEO: Wow. This short movie has everything. Not safe for work.
Ahhh, beer. Is there anything it can't do?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

This is one messed up story.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

So my hours have been cut. It sucks and the job sucked anyway (except for my co-workers). Have you ever gotten up at 4:30am to take a bus? To supplement, I did some internet searching for a few extra bucks and found a two-day study to join. I go to the USC campus, check out the fauna, and the study involves me drinking alcohol and them testing my reaction times. Pretty f*$#ing deck. Midwestern tolorance makes these Los Angelinos look like little girls.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Ahh Ha Ha Ha... more posts in bad taste.
eBaumsworld is a site filled with vids and pics that are either humor or pain based. I've enjoyed it a bit, but the bottom line is that he took all of his material from other sites. I am also guilty of that, but A: I don't steal bandwidth & B: I don't run ads (which I could do for a little pocket $). His site has been around a while and was mentioned on Stern's show. Now there is a backlash against him here. Its all petty, but there is money and much attention at stake.
Dieter does a dance
& Johnny loses his frühstück
In bad taste, but clever. I'll leave it at that.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Editor's Note: I'm getting the impression that altered pics are the big draw. The material in between is either important (to me) or funny (to me). I guess that means the material in between is for me, but it does make the picutes space nicely. I wouldn't post anything if it wasn't worth reading. Enough dontgetanyony0u plugs. Back to the madness...
At what point do we say, "die motherf*%#er, die" to this administration?? This latest bird flu hype in the media is most likely a distraction from the woes at the White House. Something for the American people to chew on and panic over. Lest we forget 2,000+ dead in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, Louis Libby, Karl Rove, Harriet Miers...... I'm dying thinking about the BS. The only hyped medicine for this problem is Tamaflu. This product has been around for years over the counter. By the way, Donald Rumsfeld is stock holder in the company that makes Tamaflu to the tune of between 5 and 25 million dollars. AARRRGH!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Q: Mr. President, do you owe the American people an apology for your assertion that Rove and Libby were not involved in the CIA leak?

A: Terrorism, scary, agenda, strategery... next question.

(this is taken from the official White House web site. Question #1)
"A slam-bang yee haw piece of sh#@!"
"This is the gayest thing I've ever seen."
-LA Weekly
VIDEO: I got a kick out of this 5 minute short. Its odd, creepy and somehow very interesting to watch. SMiLe

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Michael Brown emails, that were reported on days ago by Michael Savage, are enough to make you sick. Read this and picture a frat brother who "held your hair" getting a crony government responsibility. Addendum: Michael Savage is extreme, but he's got guts.
"SAVE ME... oh, wait. Uh... no worries."
By the way, Kurt Jones is someone who might sue if I earsed his name.
Denver, the Mile High City, is now exactly that. Voters approved allowing persons 21 years or older to have up to one ounce of pot. There's also a blurb about a mountain town called Telluride. I spent a few weeks there after high school and that place is 50% yuppies and 50% hippies. Mushrooms on a mountain at eye level with a 4th of July fireworks show for visiting guest of honor General Norman Schwazkopf. That was good. (That was flakey.)
Keep your eye on the sky for the next few days. This is good date material, too.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Now... let's see which one of these respectable young gentlemen freaks out on me first. I will remove with request. Remember, its all in good fun. I'll zing myself next. Besides, its a classic cover. Usually those tan lines are reversed...
Look for new photo edits with Photoshop. It gets worse.
You want a girl who can cook a steak and fix your tractor? Check out online dating service Farmers Only. As featured on NPR.

And for some unrelated bad news, read the post below...
PSA: The great, awesome, fantastic, wonderful, hilarious, interesting, educational program Loveline is losing Adam Carolla. His last night is Thursday. The shows should be funny and moving. I HIGHLY recommend you check them out. Loveline is on in St. Louis at 10:00 pm on KPNT the Point. Adam is taking over the Stern slot on the west coast and can't do both programs. I think David Lee Roth will take the east coast. In any case, there's a good site for them above (there doesn't seem to be an official site). DON'T MISS THESE TWO SHOWS!
AUDIO: Keven Federline's new single has been leaked. K Fed is Britney Spears' baby's daddy. The single is mind bogglingly stoopid. The bass tone is brown.
VIDEO: Yoda does a dance. This clip is supposed to be a semi-hidden bonus feature of the latest Star Wars dvd release.
VIDEO: Repost. This one is wholesome and funny.
VIDEO: Maybe Grandma should've stayed home that day. This would be cruel, but its only a soccer ball.
This "game" reminds me of the subservient chicken. Burger King put up this bizzare site to start an internet phenom. Now Polartec has their own: shave my yeti.
VIDEO: Someone stole the ball from QB Brett Favre's hands mid-play. And he wasn't a pro footballer.
PHOTO: That Bill "slick willy" Clinton can't keep his hands off the ladies in the White House.

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