
infected glue on wooden parsley robots

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Katrina is starting to show its repercussions. Thousands feared dead.
VIDEO: R Kelly performed a new chapter of his Locked In The Closet series at the MTV VM Awards. You'll either crack up or go into a state of "what the hell is this guy talking about" shock.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Get a long list of birthdays, deaths and events at famousdays. August 29 was the last Beatles concert (Candlestick in SF) and the birthday of Michael Jackson and Charlie Parker. My 9/11 birthday includes the birth of O Henry & DH Lawrence, the death of Peter Tosh and was the date of The Rolling Stones on Ed Sullivan, the hiring of Ringo Starr and Dylan's first New York performance.
If anyone would like to see, here is a map of my new LA digs. Here is a satellite image.
collegesexadvice is an informative, no holds barred Q and A for T and A. Even a seasoned pro like your host managed to learn a few things.
VIDEO: The new song by The Bloodhound Gang. They deserve a listen because they're weird and because of the line "I'm not black like Barry White but I am white like Frank Black is."
Enjoy this list of the to 100 most offensive British cities. My personal favorites include Beef Lane, Titty Ho and Upper Dicker.

Thanks Fark
PHOTO: may I present the surprisingly hot LPGA player Cristie Kerr. Enjoy this shot as she shows her appreciation for a winner. My compliments to the trophy designer.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

HOLY SHIT: New Orleans is under a mandatory evacuation because of catagory 5 hurricane Katrina. She will cause swells as much as 10 feet higher than the city is built for. You can get details here. If you have a God, pray to him.
...just in time for me to move.
maybe the first thing I missed from St. Louis was KWMU, the local NPR affiliate. Guess what? They PUT IT ALL ON THE WEB! I donated $10 to the npr station out here named KCRW 'cause their cash drive was happening when I moved. If you don't bother with KWMU, you ought to at least try it. By the way... THERE'S NO COMMERCIALS. (i've used up my caps lock rights for the next month). By the way, there's a show on KCRW called Morning Becomes Eclectic that profiles new music and is nationally respected.
For all your infidelity-testing needs, use this wonderful resource.
At the risk of sounding biased, I'll say it straight. Men have an average IQ score 5 points higher than women. BUUUUURRP. This is according to The British Journal of Psyschology.
I really thought stuffonmycat was funny. but catsinsinks is going too far. Nobody even thought to turn the water on. This post is a tautology apology.
PHOTO: We are all animals with secrets... some of our secrets are funnier than others.

Friday, August 26, 2005

GERMANY: German man takes the art of tagging to a, well, German level.
STL: I know there's a big void in St. Louis since I left (dramatic pause to let you shut up) so here's a great club for you.
STL (new tag): A man in the crowded Clayton courthouse dropped trow and began to photocopy his ass. The arrest was swift.
VIDEO: Here's another guitar player who taps with both hands to make seperate parts. Not bad.

(PS I've gotten lazy about tags ie "VIDEO" and it will start up again)
The great show Science Friday on NPR hosted a prof from the University of Iowa to talk about Moog and the synths. Neat stuff.
An LA area music producer named Christian Irwin has gone missing. He has worked with acts like De La Soul, David Bowie and Carly Simon. His last contact was a call to a friend to say he was being "chased by people with dogs".
I did a few searches for this site via google, etc and found some odd results. If you read and you likey and you want to say something, I'm at chrismisou@aol.com

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The FCC and Howard Stern continue their love affair. There is a micro chance he could go to Sirius early.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Man that Jowlers site is friggin hilarious. Didn't laugh? Check out animal jowlers here and here.
I've got a couple serious posts below so here's a kick boxing dog.
In case you've been living under a rock, Pat Robertson, former presidential candidate and host of the Christian TV show The 700 Club, has propsed that the US assasinate dictator Hugo Chavez. These comments must have come after Pat pondered exactly What Would Jesus Do. Needless to say, everyone is talking.
You've heard for years about IT jobs outsourced to India. Call the 800 number to get tech support and your talking to a midwestern-vernacular trained Indian. Now a few south-east Asian countries and some eastern European ones are threatening to cut the biz in India 45% by 2007. This is economics and karma at their sweetest.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A collection of drummer jokes. Most are corny, a few are really funny.

Q: Why do guitar players put drum sticks on their dashboards?
A: So they can park in the handicapped spot.

Q: What do Ginger Baker and 7-11 coffee have in common?
A: They both suck without cream

Monday, August 22, 2005

SendMeYourWound is just as it sounds, so don't eat anything before checking this site. Also, its peppered with little nudie movies for no apparent reason. If you have serious bloodlust go to Ogrish.
The great Robert Moog, inventor of the Moog synth, has passed away. RIP to a visionary.
I'm in LA and could always use more cash. I took an adult industry profile quiz. Tada.

According to experts, my adult industry job would be...
Adult Job QuizFlufferAdult Job Quiz
All adult actors need a little help getting 'prepared' before they do on film. Our experts say this is the perfect job for you.
Take the Adult Industry Job Quiz
The great NYC club CBGB is in danger of losing its lease. Living Colour came out to play there as a benefit.
LOVE: Courtney Love is preggers by some British comedian. Its been a while since I could use the "Love" tag.

Friday, August 19, 2005

despite what the content might suggest, I found this photo oddly moving.
I 've got a few naked posts taday. This is the funniest pron I have ever seen.
its offensive. Its crass. Its stupid. Its too good. Girls smoking pot naked.
what the f@$* is up with the gap up there? ^? Let's just call it the "Happy Gap" and then everyone can be happy and drink milk.
The topic on NPR's Science Friday, a respected science talk program, revolves around the idea of re-wilding. This subject is outlined in the prestigeous journal Nature. The idea is to put tigers and elephants in the great planes of the US like there were thousands of years ago. This is not a joke. Holy crap.
Enjoy a dog that's so cute he's freaky looking. After that, check out "the world's ugliest dog"
If you're a music gear-head, guitargeek has tons of guitar set ups for tons of bands.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Get a friend to shake their head really fast and take a quick exposure shot. voila...er viola... in any case, you have jowlers. The pet jowlers are good too.
If you have a Comcast bill in your box you may want to double check the recipient name. i don't know why this is so funny.
By the way, I have no idea why these gaps show up between posts sometimes. What are you gonna do?
A former Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger is charged in a horrible murder. Everything about this story is very disturbing.
Hunter S. Thompson, crazy talented writer, is loaded up and ready to fire as per his last wishes.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Fat is only ugly until you put a nipple on it. See before and after pics.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Fark is still a really good site. They have photoshop and audioedit contests that are funny as hell. This one is AudioEdit the bubbling of a bong into important historical moments.
Maddoxx twice here. Anyway, there was a farmer on NPR talking about his herd of cattle and the PETA folks that said what is one of the greatest NPR quotes ever. "After all, if god didn't intend for us to eat animals, why are they made of meat?"
Maddoxx is still funny as hell. Here he takes a short tour of "unintentionally sexual comic book covers". Its hot. If you want to laugh your ass off and know how to read then tool around his site for a while.
So for whoever might still be looking at this creme-de-la-page, Tony and I are doing well out here in LA LA land. We've seen some shit and had some fun. I'll make some periodic updates on the what where and whosits. Most recently I've decided to order an escort for Tony. It should be a good time. My plan is to call a male escort service for Tony (new nickname: Couples (also responds to: Pamps)) and have them send over a seasoned pro. I'll have to let them know that my fantasy is to pretend like I wasn't expecting anyone and that we (ie Tony and the beefcake) should get right down to business upon arrival. Nyuk nyuk.
If you'd like to see who's out there linking to your site, try dirt digger. It runs a number of searches for you (mostly blog based).
NOnsEnSe is great. Exhibit A: stuffonmycat.com. Stuff + Cat = Awesome

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

VIDEO: Here's one of two today where the essence of dgaoy is at its sun-beaten best. This is the 70's era video by planned parenthood for "trainables", that is to say, the mentaly retarded, about sex. ENJOY!
...And on goes the parade of human oddity.

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