
infected glue on wooden parsley robots

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

VIDEO: put your arrow on this guys face and watch him deal with it. Funny little program.
The dollar weakens after rumor circulates about Alan Greenspan having a heart attack. Maybe we need to replace this guy before he dies and we enter a depression. This guy hiccups and interest rates move.
Just for weirdness sake, a girl just won the Powerade slam dunk contest (with pic)

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

VIDEO: Here's a small collection of some internet classics. I know videos are the most potent form of entertainment, so I'll be on the hunt.
VIDEO: Its a bit outdated, but this guy poses the question: What if Howard Dean was a muppet?
A new Harvard study finds that "internet piracy of music" isn't responsible for the drop in CD sales lately. Harvard statisticians still working on the "radio rock blows" factor. Put that in your pipe, RIAA.
(Repost(?)) Brush up on your mob-speak, you friggin' mezzo fanook.
I'm not sure how long this pic will stay up (it's titled "daily"), but its good for a laugh.
Condy Rice to testify under oath about 9/11. I see the White House's point about forcing aides to testify and how it would degrade candor, but this has gotta be done. Judging by the pic, she's not too happy about it. Should be interesting.
This guy sent a phony letter claiming to be a 10 year old looking for a joke for Social Studies class to a bunch of US Senators. He got a lot of responses. Funny stuff.
MIZZOU didn't register the domain name of their new Paige Sports Arena. Someone has gotten there first. HA!
ABC has a short, interesting photo montage with the unexploded Madrid bomb. It didn't go off because the asshat bombers set the phone to 7:42 PM instead of 7:42 AM.
It must be said again, please please PLEASE, do not hotbox the baby.

Monday, March 29, 2004

VIDEO: Harvard brings the pain with The Fruit Fly Fight Club. Do not buzz about fight club.
Haliburton business logic: Why rent when you can buy? Having one of their own halves the lobbying costs they budget.
Here's a message for Clear Channel...

PS I know this is silly
This sign might as well be heeded everywhere with these people.
Four-eared kitten finds a new home. Awww and Ewww at the same time!
Credit: All Dumb
PETA has a new website (w/ pic)
I can see my house from here! Type in an address and get a satellite view. Very cool and detailed.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Whiskey... Tango... Foxtrot. Have a nice weekend. I'll be back.
Its a bit dorky, but here is an online Etch-A-Sketch.
VIDEO: I decided to post this because Mr. Bungle got their name from a similar video series. These are 50's youth life-skills videos and they are as kitch as you wanna be.
This page has a list of most-things-Britney. Some are fake, some real and the opening pic is great.
VIDEO: I normally think soccer is a bit boring, but these guys can do some cool stuff.
Get your Islamic wife-beating instructions here.
This site offers some (unsupported) graphics regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict. Pretty interesting.

Thursday, March 25, 2004


More to come Friday...
Check out Gibson's new trailor trash six-stringer.
Long John Silvers makes good on promise to give away free shrimp if water is found on mars. Get yours Monday, May 10th between 2:00 and 5:00. BTW, you can have mine.
George Bush at fundraiser: (looking under couch) " Those weapons of mass distruction have got to be around here somewhere..." Is this not a huge insult to people who suffered and died in Iraq? Maybe its just me...

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Take your next vacation in beautiful Cambodia where, for $400, the Cambodian army will let you fire a rocket launcher at a cow. Good times.
I'm going to hell for putting this up: Man chokes to death at chicken wing eating contest.
#4! (see Love posts below)
VIDEO: This isn't too amazing, unless you like to work with tools (my band mates not included). Here's a buzz saw that can distinguish between wood and your finger. The fact that they use a hot dog as an example makes it especially compelling.
SAD: David Bowie, following the likes of James Brown, issues bonds to fans to be paid with future royalties. Unfortunately Moodys now ranks them one grade above junk. The fall is blamed on the decline in the music industry.
VIDEO: Ever seen a dog who could skateboard? You have now.
VIDEO: I'm reposting this video because I bet who ever looked at it didn't give it enough time. The first thirty seconds are kinda lame, but the following ninety are awesome. This guy knows how to jump.
A crazy lucky pic: This guy needs to buy a lotto ticket ('cause he made it out unhurt)
Now this site has some really interesting math info. I didn't see my favorite math trick there, but I'll give it as an example of what their site is all about.

Take any 3 digit, nonrepeating (ie 444), number and subtract the reverse:


The answer will be such that the digit in the hundreds place and the digit in the ones place add up to 9 and the digit in the tens place will always be 9.

198 -> 1+8=9 w/ 9 in the tens place.

This works even if the answer is negative or if either the hundred's place digit is 0 (the one's place digit will be 9)

You can tell someone to pick a random 3 digit number and subtract the reverse. Then have them give you either the one's place number or the hundred's place number. Using this method, you can tell them the answer without ever knowing the original numbers.

I love this kind of crap.
I got a kick out of this pic: Pandas rock
Israel tells the world that suspected Hamas leaders and followers are marked for death. Hilarity NOT about to ensue...
Here's a link you may want to check in with regularly: Aljazeera (in english) is the biggest media outlet in the middle east.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

The Associated Press reports Medicare is now officially spending in debt. The program will be bankrupt by 2019 (latest estimate). Thanks, Pres Bush!
VIDEO: This might be a repost, but check out catboxing.com. No gore, just housecats not getting along. Check out the AFV montage clip too.
I said it once and I'll say it again, SLOW THE HELL DOWN!
Here's a Cobain conspiracy site that says the case will be blown wide open soon. Just barely worth posting.
Dear Pfizer and Glaxo and all the other big drug companies,


The Public

Monday, March 22, 2004

VIDEO: Remember the video game "Doom"? This guy has a 15 second real-life version. Very funny.
VIDEO: Watch as this snowboarder jumps a train. Very 007.
Here's a strange little program where a guy throws your screen around.
Google search results: Opus Dei

An excerpt:
This is also how most sects work: They offer a clear and simple frame of values in a world that becomes more complex every day - too complex for many people. Just pray a lot, tell everything to your spiritual leader, wear the flagellation belt for 2 or 3 hours a day, and donate some money to us, then you are on your way to becoming a saint. Easy and simple. This is especially attractive for persons in positions with high moral responsibility (lawyers, doctors, etc ... ). They do not even have to give up their profession, nor do they have to be afraid that they may be fired because of Opus Dei - because they are supposed to keep that a secret. In my opinion we are not supposed to give away responsibility. God has given us our mind and our conscience to use it - even if this is the hard way.
VIDEO: Veteran's Stadium in Philly gets blowed up. It looks like the dominos of the gods.
GQ has issued its 100 funniest jokes. Some are pretty darn good. Vulgarity and offensiveness par for the course.
Palestinian Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin killed by Israeli missile. Isn't there some international code about government hits? Remeber the Archiduke Ferdinand...
60 Minutes did a piece with former White House terrorism advisor Richard Clarke in which he claims Bush forced his staff to find a link between 9/11 and Iraq. Condy Rice is now using every media outlet she can to rebuke.
Great White's label has released a sort of "greatest hits" album. The title? "Burning House of Love".

Saturday, March 20, 2004

(repost?) ...Because being a dork can sometimes yield a good thing: Squirrel Fishing.
AUDIO: Hear Bob Dylan and Jack White perform together, Ball and Biscuit.
I'm going to start a running tally of Courtney Love media bits where she is in some kind of trouble. I'll omit all past offenses and start from scratch. Yesterday's post was #1 (topless on Letterman) and #2 (man hit by flying mic at show). Now, here's #3.
God damn double posting.... arrrrrghgh
Scary, scary. Woman recovering after brain surgury to remove worm. Yes, a worm. The culprit? You guessed it: a pork taco.
Ever wonder what Michael Jackson would have looked like without all that surgury? This forensic scientist gives his photo the age-enhancement treatment.
Amzing pics of moog setups. Looks like hella fun.
I would never fall asleep in this church. I almost think this is fake, but someone really took the time to put it together.
VIDEO: I still get a kick out of Ali G. Beckham and Posh Spice do too.
VIDEO: This website is in German or something. They have super slow motion clips of guns going off and other slowmo bits. hypnotic.

Friday, March 19, 2004

This thing has been dwindling lately. I'll keep it going 'till I can't go anymore. Promise
Check out the Metallica tribute band: Fade To Bluegrass. yes, bluegrass (w/ mp3)
Courtney Love arrested and... whatever. She's nuts. I can't post it here, but The Sun, England's biggest selling paper, has photos of this online. Read the article and you'll know what I mean. Search away!
BBC reports on a wireless headset for a new video game that is thought controlled. Electrodes pick up your brain waves and move the characters accoridingly. Wow. This technology is supposed to be the next big thing in artificial limb replacement with real brain control over a mechanical limb.
If you're gonna get your soul saved, it might as well be by a coonhound and a guy named Geekster. Don't miss Da Dogs Church.
This is by far the heaviest rock band of all time...
NEWSFLASH: Taiwan's president and vice president both to survive after being shot.
VIDEO: Watch as this guy gets owned by fireworks. ziiiiing

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Unsupported news items aren't my thing, normally. This site claims to have audio of a flight where Yngwie Malmsteen has a glass of water poured on him on a flight by a woman who claims she heard him making nasty comments about homosexuals. This audio is a 2 minute rant. Biggerthanabreadbox is some band that has the audio. You can find it under the archives section.
I don't know why this is so funny. The idea is to let your friends know what you think of them... while they're asleep.
In case you feel like reading comic books online, this site has the complete scan, page by page, of the first Superman comic from 1938. Zoom Pow ZING!

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

I opened this page and two minutes later it was "blocked by administrator" grrrrrr. In any case this new film called "Coffee and Cigarettes" has an amazing cast including, but not limited to, Jack and Meg White, the RZA, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, Iggy Pop, Tom Waits... you get the idea. I'd have more names but the site is no longer available to me. Looks awesome, though.
Check out this chili beans site. Yes, it is what you might guess it is.

I almost didn't post this, but weirdness is the essence of the internet. Don't click here if you have objections to taxidermy, cats and guitars (combined).
Happy St. Pat's Day. The Irish Wolfhound is friggin' awesome. I have got to get one of these guys (pay no attention to what the other doggie is doing in the pic...)
BTW: Happy St. Patrick's Day! This British site tells us "Being Irish means...". Or lets all sit down and enjoy Irish pot.
This is too tasty: A flyer for a family fun park has a phone number that leads to a porn line. The theme park? Busch Gardens.
Apparently Courtney Love is trying out for "The People vs Larry Flint II". Her courtroom antics should earn her a competency hearing
VIDEO: See this kid dance 80's-mime style...
Here's a stunning list of Bushisms, those quirky phrases that make you fear the broken arrow.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

The system admins at my Co are turning on me. If I disappear, don't call me, I'll find you.
The system admins at my Co are turning on me. If I disappear, don't call me, I'll find you.
Retrocrush is a website that, as its name indicates, focuses on yesteryear's culture. This story is on vintage ads from Ebony magazine. I like ebony-aids: the flesh colored band aid and the little incense cone is especially freaky...

Monday, March 15, 2004

VIDEO: Why? Because animals are funny. Check out the one titled "donkey"
VIDEO: I'm almost old enough now to say "damn kids. Gonna kill themselves..."
Make your own funky dance mix with looplabs.com. Fun and funny and fun.
VIDEO: This German forklift training video features Klaus and all the bad sh*t he does. Nice and kitchy (sp).
VIDEO: Trey and Matt of Southpark fame created a net series, but their host pulled out because it is SO over the top. I thought it was just so-so. NSFW
VIDEO: This quickie mart clerk didn't seem to notice that huge gaping hole in the floor...
In another case of above-the-law-itis, Don Rumsfeld steals a piece of the 9/11 plane that crashed into the pentagon.

Friday, March 12, 2004

VIDEO: see some of your favorite celebs in this vulgarity montage. Many of them are British celebs (its a British site), but its still fun.
VIDEO: Don't mess with this guy. He takes Tumble-Bees to the EXTREME!
I found this at Sowrongago. If the Bush administration wants to use the Bible's idea of what marriage is, I might not object too much. Check it out. (yes, the point is to prove the Bush double-standard)

Some people say US marriage law should be based on the Bible (especially the Old Testament). It's always worth reminding ourselves of the Biblical marriage-law:

1. Marriage consists of a union between one man and one or more women. (Gen 29:17-28; II Sam 3:2-5)

2. Marriage shall preserve a man's right to take concubines in addition to his wife or wives. (II Sam 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chron 11:21)

3. A marriage is valid only if the wife is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deut 22:13-21)

4. Marriage of a believer and a non-believer shall be forbidden. (Gen 24:3;Num 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Neh 10:30)

5. If a married man dies without children, his widow will marry the man's brother. If the brother refuses to marry the widow or deliberately
does not give her children, he must pay a fine of one shoe and may get additional punishments. (Gen. 38:6-10; Deut 25:5-10)

6. Any man or woman who commits adultery shall be put to death (Leviticus 20:10; Deut Ê22:22).

7. Divorce is absolutely prohibited (Deut 22:19; Mark 10:9)"
And now, may I present: EARTH
Sappy: Just to be a nice guy, click on this website's button and they get some amount of money from their advertisers that is then spent on food and shelter for abused animals. Just click, that's it.
Apparently Dubbya thinks its good luck to rub a black man's head.
So you think engineering is tough, huh?
Here's the site for missing NH college student Maura Murray. Worth a look for her sake.

BTW: I didn't type this in wrong. The site went down for some reason. I'll check back and see if its working in a bit.

Al-Quesedea has issued a letter stating a huge attack on America is in its final stages. In other news, they also claim the Spanish bombings were them too. Not nice. The intial findings do seem to back this claim.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

In case you didn't hear, several blasts on a Spanish commuter train has killed close to 200. They're suspecting the Basques, of course.
Everyone has heard about the Bush asministration's attack on Howard Stern and civil rights in general. The Stern show website now has content addressing these issues. The site is moving VERY slowly (I presume he is getting record numbers of hits).
NEWSFLASH: Dave Blood of the Dead Milkmen found dead of apparent suicide. Here's hoping he's got a beach party Vietnam in heaven. Also see deadmilkmen.com.
VIDEO: BAM! (regarding the post below). Here is Charlie putting the moves on his trainer. Awesome. Just awesome.
Whiplash may have a little competition for coolest primate on earth... Here is Charlie the Karate Chimp. If there's any video of this on the net, I will find it.
VIDEO: Just be glad the internet wasn't around for you to share your youthful wierdnes. Sushi got wheels (?)
George Bush's parody site, georgewbush.org, has an essay about how he deserves "a second chance." Very well done!
If you're into geometry and general physics, try the soda constructor. Its a game-like program that allows you to create and animate geometric forms. Its cooler than it sounds (if it doesn't already sound good).
I should have guessed it was there... Oy, its Jewish.com. Their tag line is questionable in taste: If only Moses knew...

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

CLASSIC: A repost I rediscovered, The Sweetwater Post-Natal Abortion Clinic.
Another old time classic, a South Park soundboard.

Regarding the post below, I'm just checking in with the Terror-Alert-Banana. This little guy is programed to change color with the Fed's terror threat level. Neat-o

terror alert banana
VIDEO: This little ass G thinks his local Asian-run quickie mart ripped him off and a fun dialogue ensues. Where's my change, biatch?
PICS: These Lebonese Shiite Muslims have a yearly day of praise for their favorite martyred saint Imam Hussein. He was killed by a king in 7th century in a bloody way and so these guys cut themselves (and their kids) to honor him. WARNING: not too pleasant. Ask me if this all makes good sense?? Shiiiiitte...
VIDEO: In case you didn't know, chlorine and rubbing alcohol get along like Sharon and Arafat.
The post below is billed as a "random surrealism generator". Every time you refresh, you get a new bit of *what??*. I dig these image programs that people let me pirate...

VIDEO: These good folks have taped hours of the aurora in Alaska. This is one of the few reasons to move to our nations biggest state.
Jack White pleads guilty to beating up his opening act. Anger management class and armies of seven nations to hold him back next time.
VIDEO: This new robot by Sony is pretty sweet. He walks easily, dances in a funny way and will not let Sara Conner give birth.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

PIC: I've decided to include a baby photo of me at 7 months.
For what its worth, Peter Criss has been kicked out of Kiss... again
VIDEO: Ebaum (of ebaumsworld.com) has a page full of funny vids. You WILL crack a smile.

VIDEO: Watch these Navy boys put on an impressive show of skill and courage.
Find out what song was #1 on your birthday. Mine was "Three Times a Lady"
Here's a wierd site I almost didn't post (for obvious reasons). Anyway, here is uglybassplayer.com
Some college kids get bored and start posting "school closings" on a local TV station. Funny stuff.
John Muhammad (DC sniper) has been sentenced to death. Spiffy.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

VIDEO: Gotta hand it to National Geographic. They catch some wild animals, strap 'em up with a camera and let 'em run.
AUDIO: The Homer Simpson soundboard.
As a part of the Stratocaster's 50th birthday, register here to win one. All Fender wants is your email and age.
Teaching his children well, David Crosby arrested in NY on gun and pot charges.
(Credit: Fark)

Friday, March 05, 2004

Check out this short list of "The Passion" bloopers in transcript. Pretty funny. One item: (Jesus on cross) "My God, my God, why have you for- hey, I can see my house from here"

Games: Here's a fun little chess game to lose at.
In case you want to speed up your surfing skills, check out the Internet Explorer short cut key code.
VIDEO: Man, those shoulder-fired missles kick a LOT of ass...
Misogyny isn't all that strange. Check out the Lionel Richie story.
The Fender Stratocaster celebrates its 50th birthday. Still rocks better than those whiper-snapers.
Come join the Howard Stern Million Moron March. See and be seen. By the way, the Stern Show bit "Bubba the Love Sponge" just cost Clear Channel three quarters of a million.
PHOTO: The nicest outerspace pic you've seen in a while.
In a new legal twist, I present the munchie precedent.
Martha Stewart found guilty of obstruction and lying to the government. Prison time likely. The article is just a Yahoo bit for substantiation.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Been away for a few days. Don't worry, the madness starts up again Friday...

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

NPR's Terri Gross of "Fresh Air" just finished an awesome interview with Sopranos creator David Chase. If that's not cool enough, the next interview is with Larry David, creator of Seinfeld and the HBO comedy he stars in "Curb Your Enthusiasm". Even if you don't see the interview on the front page, its there. Check the archives.
Check out this huge list of politically incorrect jokes. Sorta like Blanche Knot's Truely Tasteless, but you can tell there's an Aussie author slant.
I swear I've already thought of this: The Ninja Throwing Star of David.
VIDEO: The BADDEST go-cart you've ever seen. Try 1,500 HP at 85k RPM.
VIDEO: The boys who brought you Car-Sledding have made another that's faster, farther, higher.
In case you didn't hear it, the FCC has documented the issues it had with Stern's "Bubba the Love Sponge" bit. I think it starts in section 9.

Bush Administration continues unfortunate policy of nation-building. Aristide states that the US forced him out of Haiti. Cheney replies that they didn't force him, but that he "wore out his welcome". Right...

Monday, March 01, 2004

VIDEO: Mental note: ninjas cannot protect you from bears...
I liked this photo the first time I saw it. Real or not?
VIDEO: phonebashing.com delivers what it promises. These guys stole some cell phone costumes and then ran up to people, snatched their phones and smashed them.
Here's one of those interactive voice programs where you can have the computer speak back the words you type. The language is an inflection aspect, and does not translate automatically.
NASA offers pic of the world with lights. You can see population density based on light activity. Purty.
VIDEO: Watch as Diane Sawyer makes Britney Spears cry. Mean & fun.
VIDEO: These two guys rode a man-powered couch through Canada.
Venezuela's (sp) President Hugo Chavez calls Bush an "asshole". Democratic party to offer him dual-citizenship.
VIDEO: Watch this 4 second whatoosie on an electric fence.
This is what economists call an uninternalized externality. Wal-Mart SUX.
The troubled lives of Sopranos cast members. Gawk at the glory.

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