
infected glue on wooden parsley robots

Friday, January 30, 2004

Last post before I leave work (early). Guitar chord resource for beginner and intermediate players with fingering and strum features.

VIDEO: man in Trans Am races boy on scooter

VIDEO: This site has a HUGE collection of funny little clips. Regarding the post below, its true: I will never be quite the same... and I am going home.
I typed ""craziest video" funny" into yahoo and the first link is to a brutal execution. Try it if you have sick tastes. Personally, I have to go home now.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy. All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
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All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.

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All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.

All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.All work and no play makes Chris a dull boy.
After all, if animals weren't meant to be eaten, why would they be made out of meat?

The German cannibal gets a mere 8 years. Maybe they need a refresher in accountability... My balogna has a first name, its A-D-O-L-F
VIDEO: We've all wanted to take our revenge on the non-singers (quickie)

Lets all play a game with our kids!

Thursday, January 29, 2004

VIDEO: This little animated thing features lions and tigers and promotes Kenyan tourism. Its dumb, but I got a kick out of it.

VIDEO: You can catch a prerelease copy of the Britney/Beyonce/Pink Pepsi commercial that will air during the superbowl. Its got a gladiator theme, but isn't nearly as foxy as it should be.

Ever wonder what it would look like if a sperm whale exploded on a city street? Wonder no more.

VIDEO: If you get tired of your friends asking to borrow your car, just hook the horn up to the brake pedal and let the hilarity ensue.

Australian study finds fat drivers are worse than drunk drivers.

VIDEO: These guys figure out that with a short wave radio at the right frequency, you can hijack a drive-thru speaker. Good times.

Truely, an Irishman's dream

A Guns 'n Roses tribute band has surfaced. Wouldn't be very interesting except the five member's collective age is about 54.

Need a change in your work situation? Check out FBIjobs.com They're looking for tons of new people.
Here's James Brown's mugshot. Not too nice

Holy crap! New music from one of the ABBA girlies.

Secrets about US presidents. Check out the Gerald Ford secret.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Sad story: I guess when James Brown says "hit me" he really means "I'm gonna hit you"

Tripped out computer motion images. Appropriate for certain times

Check out the origin of your name here. One of my buddies name means "held by the heel"

Have some fun with this little game: Penguin Baseball

How To Dance Punk
VIDEO: I know this neat little karate trick... just stand still and hold this

In case you care, here's the Oscar nominee listing
Got 10,000.00 in Pound Sterling? Go meet this wayward soul...

Pope now hosting break-dance-fest. Nothin but a pawty, y'all

Some how the Wal-Mart CEO found his way into a bag of potatos. Wal-Mart sux

It has been a day or so, but I'm back

Friday, January 23, 2004

Check out these white trash guys tellin' it like it is. They seem to like Bukowski, Kafka and hard living.

Remember Jethro Tull? They now have a female member, but no one new has joined the band...

Look what Tony Soprano has been up to in Chi town

Why study Chinese when you can get the basics in under 10 minutes?

indie music web mag PitchforkMedia.com is known for taste, timeliness, and crediblity. Subpop Rocords lets 'em have it.

One of the funniest stories I've seen in a while. A white kid from South Africa comes to US, offers himself as candidate for African-American award, school not amused.

This is worth posting just for the headline alone. The Telegraph knew they had a winner here.

News Flash: Captain Kangaroo dead at 76

For the few people I know still in college: free essays

A indie film maker has gone on a 30 day McDonalds only diet and the results are pretty nasty. Toxic liver, 25 lbs weight gain, depression, 40 points higher cholesterol,........

More problems with Dick and Haliburton? Hard to believe... not.

This guy has cult-idol status over at fark.com. Click on his arrest record and start scrolling down, down, down...

Israeli police getting high from the fumes of TONS of refer.

Holy Crap!!! Water found on Mars!

Thursday, January 22, 2004

I'm feeling lucky: Happy Chinese New Year! Its the year of the monkey!

Take a deep breath... now check out one of the strangest, most offense little videos I've seen cought in the 'net.

A little prayer for our Jewish friends with sticky keyboards...

(credit: Fazed)

Huhcorp is like every company in the country, just about.

This page called eatmail has thier top ten clips of ads/spoofs/etc. Pretty funny stuff.

Check out Britney Spears' little sisters journal page. You can post comments or check out the news for the Spearseseses's

This might be the wildest (and most irresponsible) post I've ever made. This urban legends site said the Associated Press accidently sent out the phone numbers for hundreds of sports figures. The Salt Lake Tribune and LA Times have already written about it. Here's the urban legends page, and here's the digits.

Its finally happened... the dogs are taking over.

enter your info, get your blood alcohol content. Nifty

Simon and Garfunkel are doing some work together. In other news, Art was busted for refer in his speeding limo.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Feel like your bedroom is the newest talk show set with Instant Audience

That new Paul O'Neil book looks like a worthy read. Our gubment is royally jacked up!

Sometimes I appreciate the tame midwest values surrounding me...

This search engine tells you what bands you'll like based on one you like. It sorta works.

Mrs Kroc, the wife of McDonalds founder Ray, trumps her own $200 million dollar donation to NPR by giving $1.5 BILLION to the Salvation Army. Wow, suddenly I want a Big Mac.

Enjoy the raging cuteness of the smallest dog on record.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Rep. Costello (Dem) has called for impeachment hearings against Cheney for $2 billion in no-bid no-competition Haliburton war related contracts. FU Dick!

Wal-Mart policy of locking in their employees at night causes more useless suffering. Anyone heard of the Triangle Shirt Co?? Of course, Wal-Mart still sucks.

Hey, why not. Win Beck's bunny
Here's another goofy DJ simulator for your gettin'-down needs
Watch the US and world populations grow before your very eyes (in the pop-up window)

A small gallery of cross-bred animals. I like Buffalo + Cow = Beefalo

Robert Crumb releases an exotic collection of "Hot Women Singers"

Think you're an informed American? Take this BBC presidential quiz.

John Kerry takes Iowa, Gephardt throws in the towel.

The Sun reports on a most unlikely cause of death.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Happy Weekend. Thank God for MLK Jr
I could clean up on this site: ratemyafro.com
This little girl claims X-ray vision. Just bear in mind that The Sun is Britian's biggest selling paper. Can I get an Amen??

Friday, January 16, 2004

Ripley's has a nifty site with videos of freaks. Enjoy!

From the WTF? dept: Long John Silvers will give every American one giant, six-inch long shrimp if a body of water is found on Mars.

Ch-ch-ch-chia... J-J-J-Jesus!

A bunch of bands (I haven't heard of, but hey, who the hell am I?) get together for a Wesley Willis cover album. MP3s on site.

Man tries to seperate his fighting Doberman and Pit Bull. Not a good idea. Check out the bloody owner post-battle smoking pic.

New Toyota parks itself. What are you doing, Dave?

Thursday, January 15, 2004

I saw this video on AFHV and its still funny. I guess the parents thought the baby was going to start crawling...

Update: Jack White's mug shot after putting the beat down (wrongly?) on White Stripes opening act.

the quasi-scientific site cockeyed.com did a case study on tatoo removal

This site will get you in touch with someone you can pay to marry you, or will pay you to marry them.

Repost: This little soccer game is a lot of fun

Check out this fire arms traing choose-your-own-adventure style program. Good times

Update: American soldier suicide rate still rising in Iraq.

Terraforming is the process of making a planet people friendly. Could Mars be our first attempt?

I can only hope someone will be this helpful at my work.

Actor Rip Torn (Gary Shandling Show, etc) gets wasted, rips into taxi. No word on torn ligaments. His stage name is pretty awesome, though.
Here's an interesting article on the history of the lobotomy. It includes a couple of action shots and a bit about Francis Farmer (as referenced by Nirvana). I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Ahhh, the shape of relief...

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

and that's the end of that chapter
From the SICK dept: Get your pet's fur made into a lovely blanket...

Play Michael Jackson's Escape From Neverland

Wal-Mart audit counts roughly 80,000 labor violations. Peter Jennings did a great story on this last night. Oh yeah, Wal-Mart sucks.

Our man Bush, inspite of the state of the economy and continued costs of keeping troops abraod, wants to spend and spend. By the way, the drop in the unemployment rate doesn't show an improvement in the economy. It just means more people have given up looking for work and are so deemed "not unemployed". M-I-C K-E-Y M-O-U-S-A!

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Drag your mouse over the image of Kennedy. Someone didn't match this up well.
(Credit: blort.meepzorp)

Women aren't the best drivers...

Check out this quaint video (aftermarket) for "Desparado" as sung by Johnny Cash

Your tax dollars at work. See a shoot-out scene from an attack helicopter.
The US government: "We just can't make enough bullets"

Man hears God say "jump on in and taunt those lions"

See 125 years of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch headlines and photos

Monday, January 12, 2004

In an attempt to make up for being German, German brewers come up with anti-aging-beer.

Paull O'Neil, fired treasury secretary for Dubya Bush, tells all about Georgie "searching" for an excuse to invade Iraq before 9/11. Merry Christmas, Dad...

Some asshat is suing Wal-Mart because his wife was injured when a bag broke. What does Wal-Mart do? Harass the wrong person. Oh yeah, Wal-Mart sux.

Here's an interview with "Ricky" from the 80's super-comedy, Better Off Dead

Update: Elliot Smith's autopsy report

Stupid Godd*mn mother$#$ing double posting...
Here's an interesting list: Top ten ways to tell she's flirting

Wal-mart had been taking life insurance policies out on employees naming itself beneficiary. They truely treat people like livestock. Wal-Mart still sux

Martha Stewart starts her legal-woes web site. Maybe womens prison shower stories in the near future?

Friday, January 09, 2004

Ever seen a fish drinking champagne? You have now.

Maddox is a funny guy, if not rather angry. Here's a fun retort to a typical women's wish list about what their needs are and how men don't meet 'em...

Once again, dogs are there for you (and your beer).

I found a cool little movie with great babysitting tips
By the way, I don't know why this thing double posts sometimes. It gets annoying and I try to keep up with it. God help us all.
Play a little squirrel golf. I found it strange and wonderful.
(credit: alldumb.com)

So an Asian guy goes to the optomotrist and gets his exam. The doctor says, "I know what your problem is, you have a cateract." The Asian replys, "No, I have a Rincon Continental."

1. Get a short wave you can tune
2. Find a local restaurant with a drive thru
3. Let the hilarity ensue

In case you want to see how good looking you need to be to marry Britney Spears, check this out. The guy looks like a monobrowed hic with fetal alcohol syndrome

A play by play of fried moma bear (she's ok now)

Take the Marijuanna-is-killing-our-kids test. Its short, and I got 1 right.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Kobe Bryant booed and harrassed as Denver takes LA apart.
NPR is one of the best news sources. Period. Car Talk is also an entertaining wealth of information.
Are you a hipster? Take the test.
Here's some instructions on being emo (hardy har)

Raplh Wiggum (of The Simpsons) sound board. May favorites include "This tastes like... burning" and "Its cold and hurty"

Any volunteers? I want to make a zombie

Oncologist who treated George Harrison up to his death is being sued by the Beatles estate. This asshat was making him sign autographs from his death bed.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

The Onion is too goddamn funny. And they've been that way for a while.

Here's a bit of world perspective. Which way is up again?

A bit of vigalante(sp?) justice to brighten your day
" I saw the slow-moving, sad-faced old gentleman as he bounced off the hood of my car"

This cat ate a rare bird, and the resulting graphic is worth it.

Senator Hillary Clinton buys her gas from Ghanidi right here in St. Louis

I feel the burn of all these people. America's consumer debt is friggin HUGE by the way...

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Kinks singer recovering from gunshot wound in N'Orleans. After him and Chris from the Meat Puppets, who will make the rockstar-shot-trifecta?

An interesting article about the brands mentioned in the billboard top 100.

I know some people who could use this for their cats

read the middle article about our man Ashcroft and his thoughts on resurections and calico cats. Mondo bizzaro

The 87 year old diver in Santa Monica who killed 10 and injured more than 60 charged with manslaughter. Call this an unfair generalization, but old people are no good at everything.

Here's an interesting report on prices in 2030. Inflation is a bitch, but its more about the pace of salaries vs. the cousumer price index. The US government is not helping out the little guy with all this.

Monday, January 05, 2004

Yes, I am a Goldeneye dork

Update: Courtney Love's rehab is going about as well as expected

Afghanistan now has a constitution.

Britney Spears is now off the market thanks to a late night in Vegas... and then it was over

You've seen this game at the bowling alley, now play it for dinner. This kid seems to have taken it too far though

Hey, we're back on Mars

Saturday, January 03, 2004

I wonder what this lady's doing tonight

Update: Elliot Smith's death not yet called a suicide. It can be tough to stab YOURSELF in the chest

The Champagne of beers, Miller High Life, turns 100 years old. Tastes that way too...

Use this new toy to play a rousing game of peek-a-boo

This may well be the next Olympic sport.
Yes, its another danglin' baby!

Friday, January 02, 2004

This site sells spyware for the average fella

Peta has once again gone way too far. I wonder if they read this interesting maddox post...
Express your anger in 100+ languages. This thing is pretty comprehensive.

Outkast did a Jewish version of Hey Ya for you... Not really.
Big fat cats are funny. I'll leave the innuendo up to you

Here's an interesting site about Prez Bush's responsibility in spending your money. Look at your children, smile and think about the billions they're gonna owe...

World's largest snake found and put in zoo. This guy is 49 feet and 1,000 lbs. My trousers are unavailable for comment.

This is one helluva drum solo. Eat your heart out Mickey Hart

Thanks to genetic engineering, we have pet fish that glow in the dark. Still no cure for AIDS, cancer, malaria, MS,....

Alex Lifeson of Rush gets in a brawl with Naples deputies. The article casually mentions Alex is 50 and his son is 33. (50-33=17)

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