
infected glue on wooden parsley robots

Friday, October 31, 2003

Why does God hate me?
In case you're gonna be a ninja for a night
I'm not sure what this is, but Grohl has some new metal project
The top ten concerts of all time by attendance.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

For those of you with less than nothing to do: marry your pet!
Forbes offers some interesting stats on the Canadian marijuanna industry
...Still playing with the Yahoo music video thing. They have four Pavement tunes and a cut from Pere Ubu. Who's running this thing???
Fox News (if you can call it that) shows clips of Saddam-era torture
A whole lot of quotes from Einstein. "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistant one."

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Here's a huge satalite image of California and the fires
Yoko Ono and a semi-nude Peter Jennings in a bag... What??
Had to include this for the title alone: The Circus of Disemboweled Plush Toys
This is funny if you're in the mood. The moment I find the Led Zepplin version, it'll be up here
Yes, I hate roller coasters
These guys are pretty funny and inspired me to try this sometime
Insert kosher humor here
An index of (someone's idea of) the 100 scariest movie moments
Courtney Love charged with two felony drug counts

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

In case you didn't know, yahoo has a pretty cool music video page with the likes of White Stripes, Pixies, etc
The truth about babies...
You need to pair your ads to not relate to your news story
(credit to blort.meepzorp.com)
True equality: Everyone is free to kill
A modern day Robin Hood (except he probably kept the $) I seem to be developing an anti-theme here.

Monday, October 27, 2003

This cat fight is 10 seconds of hilarity
Made for exchange students, I know plenty of Americans who could use this too
Here's Enrique Iglasias (sp) sans production value. real or not?
Yet again, Wal-Mart SUCKS!
A handy guide to mixing drinks based on what you have around

Saturday, October 25, 2003

This kinda looks real, except it REALLY isn't

Friday, October 24, 2003

Know your neighbors? Here's the St. Louis county registered sex offender list
Who pulled "news of the wierd" from the RFT anyway?
The sun burps on us once agian. Bring your umbrella
A bit mature for trabaja, but here's Robert Crumb online
Are you going to heaven (quiz)? PS I'll be BBQing with Hitler
Another way you can be sure, Wal-Mart F*#@ing sucks
Courtney Love: "I tried to make my drug overdose fun for my daughter"

Thursday, October 23, 2003

I'm all for letting capitalists do their thing, but this would make a nice trend

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Those wacky Germans...
NEWS FLASH: Elliot Smith, singer songwriter, found dead of apparent suicide
This baby is funny as HELL
Here's a weird site about your age. I'll be 800,000,000 seconds old on 01/17/04
These pictures are done pretty well and will bring down your blood pressure
Posting this picture just because it references economists

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Another clip from the same site. This kid is pretty funny
Heard about the fainting goats? Here's a special clip and here's the national website
I might see if these guys will run with my car when I drive
Here's another "don't play with your food" post
This ten second clip is cooler than the whole movie "Speed"
And you thought the government wasn't hip to your jive...

Monday, October 20, 2003

Just in case you thought life AND death don't happen on the internet
Sci-Fi vs Sci-Fact
This might be the raunchiest thing up here, but it is pretty funny. PS the point is nearly 100% lame
Here's another game site that's pretty good
Finally, proof that women's hearts are made of stone
This site of nice cars that got wrecked is somehow satisfying
Here's a handy site for all major radio stations and all the songs they play

Friday, October 17, 2003

RE:The last post. This guy is awesome. Very funny stuff. Check out the fairly anti-PETA article here
Some people told me about this funny site. Check out his art critic page too
I now have a weekend project!

Thursday, October 16, 2003

The entertainment industry can take a flying leap off Angel Falls
Why, I'm just as God made me, sir
A bit of controversy, this site is about as hateful as Hamas. Do a page search for the word "bastard"
I prefer Clinton to Bush by a factor of 6.12*10^23, but this is a bit strange
See the guitars of the stars in this directory

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

How about a free towel from the greatest beer makers in the world...
For you Cubs fans, here's the guy that F'ed up the Moises fly ball
Four months at Bernie's?
(with credit to fark.com)

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

McDonalds doesn't seem quite as nasty after this menu
Nebraska footballer not happy after Mizzou spanking takes it out on a tiger fan. (don't miss the little league video on this page too)
It beats for you, baby
For the love of god SLOW DOWN
Get ready for the Yeti!

Saturday, October 11, 2003

It can be fun knowing how all this crap is made
Beer: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems

Friday, October 10, 2003

Your tax dollars in perspective
If you didn't feel bad enough about your life, here's a dog who lives a hell of a lot better than you do
This is more upsetting than funny for some reason
I can't really tell if any of this Jesus for kids site is real
This will come in handy next time you fight a band of gypsies...
There's not a joy in the world can give like that it takes away
when bloom of early thought declines in feelings dull decay
Ebay is chock full of wierd stuff. Here they don't specify North or South

Thursday, October 09, 2003

That CIA name leak has been been lacking due coverage. At least people are talking...
Call this an unfair generalization, but old people are no good at everything
I, for one, welcome our new furry overlords
Here's a new movie that looks interesting. Don't miss the tabs on the opening page that go to ABOUT and CAST and such and such

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

This is tastless and funny and we all hope Roy is ok
mmmm... That's a tasty shake!

Monday, October 06, 2003

like ebay but, well, disturbing
For some reason, seeing all this good music on MSN seems strange
It's time we had a little talk about your boozing...

Thursday, October 02, 2003

This is a neat site that tells your gender. I tried it with several people and it worked every time.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Everyone else has this Star Wars Kid link, why not me.
A distrubing publicity stunt for this band is yet to reach conclusion
Say it with me... Oh the humanity!!
Kinda tacky, but would be fun to have
This game is pretty messed up. good therapy though
Here's a interesting if not questionable story on creativity
There are enough mind games in the dating world without this

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